Non-Aristotelian Evaluating
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Maxims I

Maxims (Sept 12, 2017 -):

#1 Rules have exceptions (Non-Universal)


#2 The observer changes the observed (based on Heisenberg, 1927)

#3 IDIC (GS Premise #1: Non-Identity).


#4 All is not a continuing process (GS Premise #2: Non-Allness).


#5 Can reflect on word-form-action(s) (GS Premise #3: Self-reflexiveness).


#6 Content(s)-Context(s) can become interchangeable.


#7 The whole is not the sum of the parts (Non-El).

#8 Multi-causality means cause(s)-effect(s). (corollary Maxim #7)


#9 Word is not the thing.

#10 I am a scientist, it is my job to have the better idea (Jadzia Dax, DS9)

#11 Your first duty as a Starfleet Officer is the truth (Picard, TNG)

#12 "Anyone who is harsh, unkindly, contemptuous is a force for mental illness; and anyone who is kind, considerate, helpful is a force for mental health" (Maslow, 1954)

#13 Thalamo-Cortical Pause to feel-think (avoid jumping to conclusions, judging, prejudices, etc)

#14 Remain detached to perceive (avoid emotions, irritations, etc)

#15 Perceive, visualize, imagine, without verbalizing, memory, recognizing, identifying.

#16 Memory is not that remembered.

#17 The aim of Education involves the suspension of our judgment on anything.

#18 People are not ignorant, but that they know many things that are not so

#19 "The uncritical mind's hunger for certainty-or-finality impels it to feast upon shadows

#20 Shallow ideas reign; but ideas that require reorganizing their world-view provoke hostility (empty your cup)

#21 A great many people merely rearrange their prejudices when they 'think'

#22 Investigate not to believe, nor to contradict-and-confuse others, but to weigh-and-consider

#23 "In mathematics we look for similarities in differences and differences in similarities" (J. Sylvester, 1814–1897)

#24 Theorize not before the data

#25 Eliminate the impossible, thus whatever remains, however improbable, must represent the truth

#26 "Imagination is more important than knowledge" (Einstein 1931)

#27 Nothing in life is certain (not even death)

#28 Probability provides a guide for life

#29 Know thy Self (Socrates, Plato, c.380 B.C.)

#30 "Organism-As-A-Whole-In-An-Environment" (Korzybski, 1933; Not "I")

#31 Language affects perceiving-feeling(s)-(hearing)-thinking-action(s) (Sapir-Whorf-Korzybski-Sidle)

#32 "Nothing in excess" (Temple at Delphi, Plato c.380 B.C.)

#33 "Live life s if there is no tomorrow, learn as if you have an eternity" (Gandhi, 1869-1948)

#34 Materialism is an illusion in place of satori.

#35 Do not confuse inferences (speculation) with observations (facts).

#36 "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" (Martin John Rees, 1971)

#37 "People in power have a vested interest to oppose critical thinking (Sagan, 1969)

#38 Putting others first we help ourselves-and-family.

#39 Time-Binding capacity represents the best of human endeavor.


#40 Cherish the great-small-tragic moments of life, because in those moments we lived (Emily Dickinson (1741) "That it will never come again, Is what makes life so sweet".

#41 Must preserve our past for future generations.

#42 Reality-truth cannot be compromised.

#43 We represent Star-stuff become conscious of itself.

#44 Let go of hope-fears vicious cycle (paraphrasing Seneca, c.4 B.C. – 65 A.D.)

#45 Liberate ourselves from the slavery of our needs-wants, thus from the control of others.

#46 "Liberté! Égalité Fraternité!" (Club Des Cordeliers, June 30, 1793)

#47 Power-wealth corrupts.

#48 Ends do not justify the means.

#49 "Integrity has no rules" (Albert Camus (1942), "The Stranger")

#50 People deceive, especially to themselves.

#51 People project themselves onto others.

#52 "Sorrow and silence are strong, and patient endurance is godlike" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1807-82)

#53 "Do what you can and then do it just a little more!" (Terry Farrell, Dec 17, 2016)

#54 People play mind-social games.

#55 Mis-understandings, arguments, amount to shifting on different levels of abstraction.

#56 Action(s) have consequences

#57 We make our fate.

#58 Wisdom comes from our regrets-and-sorrows.

#59 We must not interfere with another under-developed culture-or-species (ST Prime Directive)

#60 Other organisms on Earth are not for our abuse, misuse, trophies, etc., nor for just fun.

#61 The unsustainable consumption of Earth's resources, has consequences upon our continued survival.

#62 "All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions" (Leonardo Da Vinci, 1452-1519)

#63 Common sense is beyond those without insight

#64 It is not what we prefer, nor 'think' we deserve, shit happens.

#65 Corollary of Maxim #7: Gestalt (shape-configuration, etc) emerges from more than its constitutional parts.



#66 Love forms a function of 'feelings'.


#67 "Grief is the price we pay for love" ("The R.I.P. Files", 2017)

#68 Evolving of an organism-species depends on the natural selection from environmental context(s)


#69 Semantic transacting depends upon conditional-experiences



#70 Evaluating: Event(s)-Feeling(s)-Thinking


#71 "We create our values through our choices" (Jean-Paul Sartre, 1943)


#72 Democracy emerges from a function of individuals self-determinism in a participation


#73 Sanity entails flexible-adaptability to context(s)


#74 Science is not common sense.

#75 "Whatever can happen will happen" (Augustus De Morgan, 1866; earlier than Edward A. Murphy's Law, 1949)

#76 "There is no's just alot of loose ends" (Bones, "The Mail In The Mail")

#77 Simplify ("Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem", William of Ockham, 1285-1347)

#78 "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" (Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, 1878)

#79 Truth-and-beauty often seem contingent, but beauty is not a proof of truth.

#80 Words-symbols have multi-ordinality, moreover dependent on the level of abstracting.

#81 No meaning to life, but what we choose.

#82 We learn by doing.

#83 Practice makes perfect.

#84 'Capitalism' feeds off the prostitution of the living works of the dead.


#85 "The negative premise is the peak of mentality" (AK, 1933)

#86 Logical Destiny: Premises have logical consequences.


#87 Prophylaxis: Prevention better than dealing with the consequences.

#88 "We copy animals in our nervous reactions" (AK, 1933)

#89 "We see what we see because we miss all the finer details" (AK, 1933)

#90 " 'Always' and 'Never' are two words you should always remember never to use" (Marjorie Mercer Kendig, 1892-1981)

#91 "Who rules our symbols, rules us" (AK, 1933)

#92 From our fears emerge anger-frustration-cruelty-stupidities, etc.: Fear fear!

#93 Some verbalizers symbol-shift to absurdity.

#94 Living beyond the comfort-zone, is unavoidable, but in extreme cases means non-survival - so values life not.

#95 Live life for the best, but prepare for the worst.

#96 "Be wisely worldly, be not worldly wisely" Francis Quarles (1592-1644)

#97 Spock quote #1:


#98 Spock quote #2:


#99 Mediocrity is revered, genius dismissed (Mediocrity understands not genius)

#100 "We're born alone, live alone, die alone. Only through love and friendship do we create the illusion for a moment that we are not alone". Orson Welles (1918-85).

#101 "Love with 'all' the purity one possesses" ("Where No Man Has Gone Before" (poem), July 31, 1990)

#102 "Never take anything for granted" (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield (Oct 5, 1864)

#103 Achieve self-sufficiency.

#104 "Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises" (Samuel Butler (1835-1902)

#105 "What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens" (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-81) "Endymion"

#106 "The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything" Edward John Phelps (Jan 24, 1899)

#107 "Repress repression" (Wilhelm Reich , 1897-1957)

#108 Sane-Healthy people are unpredictable; by a similar-different token the unsane remain very predictable.

#109 Unsane people cannot live with uncertainty.

#110 Do not 'calssify', 'categorize', stereotype, etc.

#111 "This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel" (Edward Waller (Aug 16, 1776) to the Countess of Upper Ossory)

#112 "Durate, et voset rebus servate secundis" (Then endure for a while, and live for a happier day!) Virgil (70-19 B.C.) "Aeneid"

#113 Talk the talk, but walk the walk.

#114 People remain equal, free, independent, etc., from birth.

#115 Free speech paramount.

#116 "La propriété c'est le vol" (Property is theft) Pierre-Josepf Prondhon (1809-65) "Qu'est-ce Que La Propriété?"

#117 Help people, but trust them not, they have agendas

#118 Give people the chance to do the right thing

#119 You may feel that you have no choice, but you do.

#120 Try not to take to heart what other people say or-both do.

#121 "Knowledge comes, but wisedom lingers" (Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1809-92)

#122 "A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience" (Oliver Wendell Holme, 1841-1935)

#123 "Perfection is such an obsession, deserving greater and greater introspection" (peom title, Feb 7, 1989)

#124 "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body" (Richard Steel (1672-1729) "The Tatler", No. 141.

#125 "Our patience will achieve more than force" (Edmund Burke (1729-97) "Reflections On The Revolution In France".

#126 "A precedent embalms a principle" (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield (Feb 22, 1848) Speech, House of Commons.

#127 Spock quote #3: "Live Long and Prosper" (Theodore Sturgeon (1967) "Amok Time")

#128 "Peace and Long Life" (Jean-Luc Picard, TNG Episodes: "Sarek" (1990), "Unification" (1991))

#129 "We never do anything well till we cease think about the manner of doing it" (Willim Hazlitt (1778-1850) "Sketches And Essays On Prejudice")

#130 "Habit rules the unreflecting herd" (William Wordsworth (1770-1850) "Ecclesiastical Sonnets, Pt. II, XXVII).

#131 Rhetoric, propaganda, etc., is no better than sophistry without undeniable evidence.

#132(a) "The most fluent thinkers or most plausible reasoners are not always the justest thinkers" (Wiliam Hazlitt (1778-1830) "On Prejudice").

#132(b) "Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise" (Francis Bacon (1561-1626) "Of Cunning").

#133"Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause - and onstinacy in a bad one" (Luarence Sterne, 1713-68).

#134 Check your assumptions.

#135 Reasons for Socializing:

(1). Meet their next playmete

(2). Make-renew contacts

(3). Social prestige

(4). Recreational Drugs

v (5). Loneliness-or-something-to-do

(6). Social etiquette

(7). Etc:

#136 Reasons for Loners:

(1). Prefer discovery in 'thought'

(2). Prefer own company-atmosphere - Loners

(3). Not fond of small talk

(4). People a pain (agendas, want things, create alarm-and-dispondenc, etcy

(5). Etc.

#137 People that evolve, depending on relationship, one or-both will want to move on.

#138 Some people consider another's self-improvement a treat in a co-relationship.

#139 In seeking companionship, we must remain judicious on what-and-when we reveal our past

#140 "Be calm in arguing; for fierceness makes error a fault and truth discourtesy (George Herbert (1593-1633), "The Temple, The Church Porch")

#141 "The most positive men are the most credulous" (Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

#142 (a) "Fere libenter hominess id quod volunt credunt" (Men willingley beleive what they wish) (Julius Caesar, 102/-44 B.C.)

#142(b) "There's none so blind as they that won't see" (Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745)

#143 We do down with our values intact, otherwise not at 'all' (Alt: Let not those who wish us harm, change us and what we believe in)

#144 People give themselves away with what they say or-both do

#145 For a relationship to work, both must treat each other as equals.

#146 Regardless of pleas, if you do not want to do something - don't; you know from the past you will regret it (corollary Maxim #171)

#147 Leon Fastinger's (1950) Proximity Principle: tendency for those to form intimate relations with those close by.

#148 Psychopaths represent a danger to society; we must detect-intervene-restrict-etc., their influence-power.

#149 Make not haste in words(-thoughts), lest we regret them.

#150 "War is the continuation of state policy by other means" (Carl Phillip Gottfried Von Clauswitz (1832).

#151 "The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion" (Edmund Burke, 1784).

#152 "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" (Amy Lowell, 1874-1925).

#153 "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves" (William Pitt (The Younger; 1759-1806) Speech, House of Commons (Nov 18, 1783).

#154 We remain responsible for our decision(s)-Action(s).

#155 The victors write the history books.

#156 "Jeder nach seinen Fähigketen, Jedem nach seinen bedürfnissen" (From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs) (Karl Marx (1875) "Criticism Of The Gotha Programme"

#157(a) A relationship built on love-and-passion, forms a strong bond against adversity.

#157(b) A relationship that continues through hardships, will likely not last.

#158 Danger tends to come not from strangers, but people we know-or-speak-to-regularly.

#159 Corollary of Maxim #1: "We change it...then (later) it changes us" (Alice Roberts (Nov 1, 2017) New Theatre Lincoln)

#160 Co-dependent relationships depend on external threats-trauma to survive (corollary Maxim #157(b))

#161 7 Characteristics Of Life


Category: Quotations | Added by: Paul_Sidle (2018-01-10)
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