# 162 7 Characteristics Of Sentience
#163 Something cannot come form nothing
#164 Nothing is destroyed nor created
#165 Universe has self-organized out of chaos (order emerges from chaos)
#166 Butterfly Effect: "sensitive dependence on initial conditions" (Edward Norton Lorenz, 1979)
#167 Noah Effect: "discontinuity in changes" (James Gleick, 1987)
#168 Joseph Effect: "resistance in changes" (James Gleick, 1987)
#169 Non-Linearity: small causes leads to large effects (James Gleick, 1987; corollary Maxim #8)
#170 We still need to work at our relationships to make them work (corollary Maxim #157(a))
#171 Bullying - defined as mental-physical abuse, but further pressure-force to do something you do not want to do
#172 Order emerges out of chaos
#173 Laws Of Thermo-dynamics(1): Law Of Conservation Of (Mass-)Energy - energy cannot be created nor destroyed in an isolated system.
#174 Laws Of Thermo-dynamics(2) after Nicolas-Léonard-Sadi Carnot (1824)- Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius (1869): entropy of any isolated system in terms of energy, remains irreversible, uni-directional, thus decreases.
#175(a) Kurt Lewin's (1935) Group-Dynamics describes how external threats unifies the group.
#175(b) Kurt Lewins' (1935) Group-Dynamics describes how an internal scapegoat unifies the group.
#176 Work-Done:
#177 Impulse:
#178 Kinetic-Energy:
#179 Potential-Energy:
#180(a) Newton’s Laws Of Mechanics (Dynamics), after Isaac Newton (1687)
#180(b) Newton’s Laws Of Mechanics (Dynamics), after Isaac Newton (1687)
#180(c) Newton’s Laws Of Mechanics (Dynamics), after Isaac Newton (1687)
#181 Kinematics (‘space and time’ 3+1 Dimensional Motion)
#182 Conservation of Momentum Law: total momentum of an isolated system (eg., system unaffected by external force(s)) remains balanced (at equilibrium)
#183(a) Infinity remains greater than any assignable value:
#183(b) Infinity entails infinite possibilities.
#184 Galilean Relativity, after Galileo Galilei (1632):
#185 Kepler’s Laws Of Planetary Motion, after Johannes Kepler (1618):
#186 Newton’s Acceleration Around A Point, after Isaac Newton (1687):
#187(a) Euclid’s (c.300 B.C.) Fifth-Postulate is false-to-facts:
#187(b) Euclid’s (c.300 B.C.) Fifth-Postulate is false-to-facts:
#187(c) Euclid’s (c.300 B.C.) Fifth-Postulate is false-to-facts:
#187(d) Euclid’s (c.300 B.C.) Fifth-Postulate is false-to-facts:
#188(a) Non-Newtonian Physics (Dynamics):
#188(b) Non-Newtonian Physics (Dynamics):
#188(c) Non-Newtonian Physics (Dynamics):
#189(a) Rely on one's own cognizance.
#189(b) "If in doubt, ask" will depend on who you get (aswell as what they know), but if desperate find someone worth talking to before you make any decisions.
#189(c) Most people are cluster-fucks.
#190 Happiness involves managing one's expectations
#191 Increasing tension between Science-Technology increasing geometrically, compared with social developments increasing only arithmetically results in revolutions, wars, etc.
#192(a)Consciousness of abstracting concerns avoiding 'Aristotelian(system)-conditionality'
#192(b) Consciousness-of-abstracting emerges from several degrees of factors (envisage that the circles move in-and-out)
#193 Rosa Louise McCaulay Parks (1913-2005): "You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right".
#194 Neuro-Linguistic Environment(s) (AK, 1936): pertaining to the evaluative environment involving verbal (symbolic) 'meaning': words, premises, etc.
#195 Neuro-Evaluational (Semantic) Environment(s) (AK, 1936): pertaining to the evaluative enviorment involving non-verbal (of objects) abstracting: perceiving(s), visualizing(s), 'emotion(s)', 'action(s)', etc.; both verbal 'meaning'; words, premises, etc.
#196 Multi-Ordinality: refers to the notion that terms have more than one 'meaning', beyond the intention of the user-expressor, in a given content(s)-context(s); special examples: tear, live, etc.
#197 Structural Differential (SD, AK (1933), (1924) "Anthropometer", "Time-Binding" Paper I): Models the empirical (Inductive-Healthy-Natural) order of evaluating possible via consciousness-of-abstracting.
#198(a) Non-Newtonian Physics (Electro-Magnetism(-Field(s)-Wave(s)), after James Clerk Maxwell (1873): formulates an interchangeability between electric-currents, electro-magnetic-fields, with electro-magnetic-waves.
#198(b) Non-Newtonian Physics (Electro-Magnetism(-Field(s)-Wave(s)), after James Clerk Maxwell (1873): formulates an interchangeability between electric-currents, electro-magnetic-fields, with electro-magnetic-waves.
#198(c) Non-Newtonian Physics (Electro-Magnetism(-Field(s)-Wave(s)), after James Clerk Maxwell (1873): formulates an interchangeability between electric-currents, electro-magnetic-fields, with electro-magnetic-waves.
#198(d) Non-Newtonian Physics (Electro-Magnetism(-Field(s)-Wave(s)), after James Clerk Maxwell (1873): formulates an interchangeability between electric-currents, electro-magnetic-fields, with electro-magnetic-waves.
#199 (a) Non-Newtonian Physics (Quantum Mechanics), posits an interchangeability between particle(s)-wave(s)-field(s)-energy (according to method of investigation):
#199 (b) Non-Newtonian Physics (Quantum Mechanics), posits an interchangeability between particle(s)-wave(s)-field(s)-energy (according to method of investigation):
#199 (c) Non-Newtonian Physics (Quantum Mechanics), posits an interchangeability between particle(s)-wave(s)-field(s)-energy (according to method of investigation):
#199 (d) Non-Newtonian Physics (Quantum Mechanics), posits an interchangeability between particle(s)-wave(s)-field(s)-energy (according to method of investigation):
#200(a) Non-Newtonian Physics (Quantum Mechanics), Uncertainty (Indeterminacy) Principle: variations after Heisenberg (1927), Schrödinger (1935), Born (1956), Everett (1957), which equate to different interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.
#200(b) Non-Newtonian Physics (Quantum Mechanics), Uncertainty (Indeterminacy) Principle: variations after Heisenberg (1927), Schrödinger (1935), Born (1956), Everett (1957), which equate to different interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.
#200(c) Non-Newtonian Physics (Quantum Mechanics), Uncertainty (Indeterminacy) Principle: variations after Heisenberg (1927), Schrödinger (1935), Born (1956), Everett (1957), which equate to different interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.
#200(d) Non-Newtonian Physics (Quantum Mechanics), Uncertainty (Indeterminacy) Principle: variations after Heisenberg (1927), Schrödinger (1935), Born (1956), Everett (1957), which equate to different interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.
#201(a) Mendelian Inheritance Laws, after Gregor Johann Mendel (1965):
#201(a) Mendelian Inheritance Laws, after Gregor Johann Mendel (1965):